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back to sewing

1 Feb

this post is dedicated to elite. see, she dropped me a comment about wanting to see the make-up pouches in RL. well, thing is, they were christmas presents. and christmas is over… well, it doesn’t take much to get me off track, so with great plans to work on the cw blanket, i took out my sewing machine today….
and made this


somewhat similar of the make-up pouches actually, but the folding before sewing is sort of reversed. saw it done on a friends little tote from japan. as you can see on the pic, it haven’t covered up the fringy inside seam yet, had to get a picture taken while it was daylight!
i might leave the sewing machine out and continue this spree a few days, maybe it will result in a make-up pouch or two that i can bring to the snb and show elite 🙂

knit sack

7 Aug

since i’ve been absent since mid-april, it is time to attend the oslo stich and bitch again soon, and i plan to come prepared!

i whipped together this the other day:

okay, i didn’t really whip it up, it caused me a bit of struggle, but i plan to make more of these (i do have more works in progress than one…), and i expect the next ones to be easier. the idea was to make a bag for my knitting without making these / these popular ones. i got the inspiration from the waterproof sack i use when i go kayaking (very practical because you make the sack the size of its contents), and added the transparent which will make it easy to pick up the “right” project (although it would be a bit easier to SEW if i skipped the plastic bottom…)

size: 15x15x30 cm, blue fabric from moda (love their stuff).