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28 Dec

looks finished… but it’s not, still 5 triangles to go! had to wrap it up and give it to my mom for christmas like this though, a girl just don’t have time for everything. i also would have run out of yarn, 3 skeins of the gray turned out to be too little! I’ve ordered more from Art Yarn, but unfortunately it hasn’t showed up yet.

Icosa II

3 Dec

i did visit a couple of yarn shops during my trip to copenhagen, and went looking for yarn for a new icosa ball – and happily ran into this wonderful coloured gray (purchased at Strikkeboden, fiolstræde 20)! i think it works really well with the graphic icosa pattern as it gives a feeling of black and white rather than a plain colour gray!




gray yarn: zara from filatura di crosa (extra fine merino)

colour: #1653


black yarn: mérinos by anny blatt

colour: # 383



i paired it up with a black merino wool from anny blatt, and am so far 3/20 done with the triangles. i wanted the ball to be a little bigger than the first one, so i’m knitting with 3,5 mm needles. the two yarn types also builds a little different, the gray is a little thicker, but so far that isn’t causing any trouble…



Icosa Welt Ball

23 Oct


bente b’s blog got me into starting this project. a quite unuseful pillow, but wonderfully beautiful! i ordered the pattern from knit/purl .




i threw in some yarn as well, snice knit/purl charges a flat postage rate at $12. that didn’t turn out to be such a good deal as it arrived norway having been through customs with an extra 25% tax added to it…! anyway, the yarn is just the softest, nicest, so i’m pretty much over it already 🙂 (sock from shibuiknits)



i finished all the triagles, and i’ve stiched it up. and i’ve sewn the inside-ball. but it turned out too big! so now i have to fix it/make another. i just have to get over the setback first… i also plan on making another one as a christmas gift for my mom. the 20 triangles were pretty quick to make, i spent about 1 1/2 hours on each, but it’s the putting it together… phu!
